What does CleanupColorsets do?

The manual answers thus:

I take this to mean that the command changes all used colorsets to their black and gray virgin state, but I don’t witness anything like this when entering the command from FvwmConsole or when reading in some colorsets, and in fact, I witness no effect at all.

Such a foolish question I thought would have been asked and answered before, but the aristocratic search engine of the forums rejects the term “cleanupcolorsets” as being too “common”, and so it is very difficult to discover the truth of my thought. (I tried anyway, and I now have a deep, unnatural love for what it is search engines do.)

Anyway, I must be misunderstanding something here, and any explanations would be appreciated.

That doesn’t mean nothing happened. And why would you expect to see anything? c.f:

void cleanup_colorsets(void)
        struct junklist *oldjunk = junk;

        while (junk)
                XFreePixmap(dpy, junk->pixmap);
                oldjunk = junk;
                junk = junk->prev;
        cleanup_scheduled = False;

That’s the piece of code that gets run from the CleanupColorsets command. It’s an internal operation only.

– Thomas Adam

Well, I didn’t say that, and I didn’t mean to imply that I expected that nothing was happening. Really I expected, based on my interpretation of the manpage’s description and perhaps on a personal desire, that the command did something else than what it does. My personal desire was that there be an Fvwm command that clears all colorsets as I described in my intial post, and I thought CleanupColorsets would meet this. I think it was a desire of convenience, popping up when attempting to read in new colorsets that, for instance, have no explicit shadow color, over ones that do.

Also, I thought commands listed in the manpage would actually be useful as configuration commands, but if I understand the code you posted, this was a bad assumption.

Oh well. Thanks, as always, for your to-the-point response, Thomas.