Seeing as how it is already implemented and used, will we be able to look at the usage of $[math]
operator in a man-page anytime soon?
If you have fvwm 1.1.1 installed, the documentation is there with all the other expansion variables. Just search the manual page for ‘math’.
So the FVWM website is now considered useless from now on?!?
I need to regenerate them, thanks for the reminder – although the installed man page on any system will match what’s installed, so I’d say that’s the one you should look at, in case of these situations.
All that being said, in a previous post you started, you had the same combative and confrontational attitude. I said then it wasn’t appreciated, and this post from you is no exception to that.
If I see you behaving that way again, you’ll be banned.
See: fvwm3all manual page – this now contains a description for how to use math
You’re welcome.
I’m assuming you meant, “Ty for letting me know I needed to put that in.”.
So, you’re welcome!