Window style to pop up, but NOT grab focus?

I want to give MPlayer a window style where, when it starts (opens up a window), the window should pop up and be on top of other windows (normal behavior), but I want it to NOT acquire keyboard focus. Of course, if I click it explicitly with a mouse, I do want it to acquire focus as normal. I just do not want the window to get focus just because it popped up.

The helps when I am doing something and at the same time show short cartoons to my kids.

How can I do it?


Style whatever FPClickToFocus, !FPFocusByProgram

– Thomas Adam

Style whatever FPClickToFocus, !FPFocusByProgram

– Thomas Adam
Thomas, it did not work, here’s my directive:

Style “MPlayer” StaysOnTop,Sticky,FPClickToFocus,!FPFocusByProgram

So do you have a GrabFocus style somewhere else or something? Can you put your config in a pastebin for all to see?

– Thomas Adam

Here it is: