WindowPosition gets ignored

i use a modified Version of the FvwmQuit-Script that comes with fvwm.
It’s all works fine, but my WindowPosition gets ignored :-/
Does anyone have an idea whats wrong?
The quit-Script:

WindowTitle {Quit}
WindowSize 400 235		# Taille
WindowPosition 500 500		# Position
Colorset 1
Font "shadow=0 se:xft:Verdena:size=8"
#ForeColor	{black}
#BackColor	{grey85}
#ShadowColor	{grey55}
#HilightColor	{grey100}

  WarpPointer 1
  Set $ToDo = Halt
  ChangeValue 6 0
  ChangeValue 7 0
  ChangeValue 9 0
  ChangeValue 10 1

Widget 1
 Position 40 40
 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
 Type ItemDraw
 Icon shutdown.xpm
 Case message of
  SingleClic :

Widget 2
 Size 370 170
 Position 15 15
 Type Rectangle
 Case message of
  SingleClic :

Widget 3
 Title { What do you want to do? }
 Position 100  8
 Flags NoReliefString NoFocus
 Type ItemDraw
 Value 0
 Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*
 Case message of
  SingleClic :

Widget 4
 Title {OK}
 Size 60 28
 Position 300 195
 Flags NoReliefString
 Type PushButton
 Value 1
 Case message of
  SingleClic :
   If $ToDo == Logout Then
    Do {Quit}
    If $ToDo == Restart Then
     Do {Restart}
     If $ToDo == RestartWith Then
      Do {Restart } (GetTitle 11)
     If $ToDo == Reboot Then
      Do {Exec sync}
      Do {Exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now}
      Do {Exec sync}
      Do {Exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now}

Widget 5
 Title {Cancel}
 Size 60 28
 Position 40 195
 Flags NoReliefString
 Type PushButton
 Value 1
 Case message of
  SingleClic :

Widget 6
 Title {Logout}
 Position 90 45
 Flags NoReliefString
 Type RadioButton
 Value 0
 Case message of
  SingleClic :
   ChangeValue 7 0
#   ChangeValue 8 0
   ChangeValue 9 0
   ChangeValue 10 0
   Set $ToDo = Logout

Widget 7
 Title {Restart fvwm}
 Position 90 75
 Flags NoReliefString
 Type RadioButton
 Value 0
 Case message of
  SingleClic :
   ChangeValue 6 0
   ChangeValue 9 0
   ChangeValue 10 0
   Set $ToDo = Restart

Widget 9
 Title {Restart the computer}
 Position 90 105
 Flags NoReliefString
 Type RadioButton
 Value 1
 Case message of
  SingleClic :
   ChangeValue 6 0
   ChangeValue 7 0
   ChangeValue 10 0
   Set $ToDo = Reboot

Widget 10
 Title {Shut down the computer}
 Position 90 135
 Flags NoReliefString
 Type RadioButton
 Value 0
 Case message of
  SingleClic :
   ChangeValue 6 0
   ChangeValue 7 0
   ChangeValue 9 0
   Set $ToDo = Halt

… and my fvwm2rc:

ImagePath /usr/local/share/icons:/usr/share/icons:/usr/share/pixmaps:/usr/include/X11/pixmaps:/usr/local/share/icons:/usr/share/icons:/usr/include/X11/bitmaps:/usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps:/etc/X11/fvwm/images/icons:/etc/X11/fvwm/images

DeskTopSize 2x2

EdgeScroll 0 0

EdgeResistance 250 250

# Menu
Colorset 1 bg grey, fg black
Colorset 2 bg black, fg white

DestroyDecor default-decor
AddToDecor default-decor
+ ButtonStyle Reset
+ DefaultFont "shadow=0 se:xft:Verdena:size=9"

#+ ButtonStyle 1 Vector 5 20x40@1 80x40@1 80x60@0 20x60@0 20x40@1
#+ ButtonStyle 2 Vector 17 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@0 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 60x50@0 80x70@0 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@1 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@1 40x50@1 20x30@1 20x20@1
#+ ButtonStyle 4 Vector 5 25x75@0 75x75@0 75x25@0 25x25@1 25x75@1
#+ ButtonStyle 6 Vector 4 50x75@1 25x25@1 75x25@1 50x75@0

+ TitleStyle AllActive TiledPixmap title/title.png -- flat
+ TitleStyle AllInactive TiledPixmap title/title-in.png -- flat
+ TitleStyle Height 20 
+ ButtonStyle 1 Active (Pixmap title/wops.png) Inactive (Pixmap title/wops-in.png) ActiveDown (Pixmap title/wops-down.png)
+ ButtonStyle 2 Active (Pixmap title/close.png) Inactive (Pixmap title/close-in.png) ActiveDown (Pixmap title/close-down.png)
+ ButtonStyle 4 Active (Pixmap title/max.png) Inactive (Pixmap title/max-in.png) ActiveDown (Pixmap title/max-down.png)
+ ButtonStyle 6 Active (Pixmap title/min.png) Inactive (Pixmap title/min-in.png) ActiveDown (Pixmap title/min-down.png)
+ ButtonStyle All -- flat usetitlestyle

Style "*" UseDecor default-decor
Style "*" HilightFore white
Style "*" HilightBack steelblue
Style "*" Color black/darkgrey
Style "*" BorderWidth 2
Style "*" HandleWidth 2
Style "*" MWMFunctions
Style "*" MWMBorder
Style "*" MWMDecor
Style "*" DecorateTransient
Style "*" SmartPlacement
Style "*" NoPPosition

Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle
Style "Fvwm*" WindowListSkip
Style "Fvwm*" CirculateSkip

Style "FvwmIconMan" Sticky
Style "FvwmPager" Sticky, StaysOnTop, HandleWidth 1
Style "StatusBar" Sticky, HandleWidth 0, StaysOnBottom, NeverFocus
Style "quit" Sticky, Title
Style "XMMS"	UsePPosition, IgnoreRestack
Style "gkrellm"	  Sticky
Style "torsmo"	  Sticky, StaysOnBottom

Style "FvwmIdent" Title
Style "FvwmIdent" WindowListHit
Style "FvwmIdent" CirculateHit

# Add icons to some common programs
Style "Emacs"       Icon gnu-animal.xpm, MiniIcon mini.emacs.xpm
Style "XTerm"       Icon xterm-linux.xpm, MiniIcon mini.xterm.xpm
Style "Ghostview"   Icon gv.xpm
Style "Gnuplot"     Icon graphs.xpm
Style "XCalc"       Icon xcalc.xpm, MiniIcon mini.calc.xpm
Style "XBff"        Icon mail1.xpm, MiniIcon mini.mail.xpm
Style "Xman"        Icon xman.xpm, MiniIcon mini-manual.xpm
Style "Xmag"        Icon mag_glass.xpm, MiniIcon mini.xmag.xpm
Style "Mosaic"      Icon Mosaic.xpm
Style "Netscape"    Icon nscape.xpm, MiniIcon mini-nscape.xpm
Style "Xpaint"      Icon xpaint.xpm, MiniIcon mini.xpaint.xpm
Style "Manual Page" Icon xman.xpm, MiniIcon mini-manual.xpm
Style "Xedit"       Icon textedit.xpm, MiniIcon mini-edit.xpm
Style "ripperX"	    Icon ripperx.xpm
Style "ssh"	    Icon openssh.xpm, MiniIcon
Style "*"           Icon default.xpm

# Section: Init and restart functions
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/init.fvwm2rc

# Section: Menus
MenuStyle "*" mwm, Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*, MenuColorset 1
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/mymenu.fvwm2rc

DestroyMenu Window-Ops
AddToMenu Window-Ops "Alt-F1: Window Ops" Title
+ "Alt-F2:  Main Menu"                   Popup /mymenu
+ "Alt-F3:  Lower"                       Lower
+ "Alt-F4:  Window List"                 WindowList
+ "Alt-F5:  Previous"                    Prev
+ "Alt-F6:  Next"                        Next
+ "Alt-F7:  Move"                        Move
+ "Alt-F8:  Resize"                      Resize
+ "Alt-F9:  (De)Iconify"                 Iconify
+ "Alt-F10: (Un)Maximize to screen"      Maximize 100 100
+ "Alt-F11: Raise"                       Raise
+ "Alt-F12: (Un)Stick"                   Stick        
+ "         (Un)Maximize vertical"       Maximize 0 100
+ "         (Un)Maximize horizontal"     Maximize 100 0
+ ""                                     Nop
+ "         Destroy"                     Destroy
+ "         Close"                       Close

# Section: Mouse bindings
# This section defines the mouse bindings, that is, all the things that
# can be done with the mouse.

# Each button gives a different menu from the background (root window).

Mouse 1   R  A  Menu /mymenu
Mouse 2   R  A  Menu Window-Ops
Mouse 3   R  A  WindowList

# Moving and resizing, depending on which part of the window
# you grab (T=title bar, S=side/top/bottom, F=corner).

Mouse 0 T A move-and-raise-or-raiselower
Mouse 0 W M   -
Mouse 0 F A resize-or-raiselower
Mouse 0 S A resize-or-raiselower

# Mouseactions for Icons
Mouse 1 I A deiconify-and-focus-or-move
Mouse 3 I A Menu Window-Ops

# Buttons on the title bar (1,3,5,7,9 are on the left, 0,8,6,4,2 on
# the right side of the title bar).  Note that the bindings here
# make more sense if the ButtonStyle's defined earlier are retained.

Mouse 0 1 A Menu Window-Ops
Mouse 0 2 A Close
Mouse 0 4 A Maximize 100 100
Mouse 0 6 A Iconify

# Section: Key bindings
# This section binds some actions to keys.  The bindings have been inspired
# by MWM, Windows, and nightmares.  Everything that these key bindings do,
# can be done without them.  Therefore they should not be too much of a
# burden on new users, but it definitely _can_ be confusing to press a
# key by accident and have it do something completely unexpected.

Key Tab   A    M    Next [CurrentPage !iconic] focus-and-raise
Key Tab   A    MS   Prev [CurrentPage !iconic] focus-and-raise
Key Tab   A    CM   Next [CurrentPage] deiconify-and-focus
Key Tab   A    CMS  Prev [CurrentPage] deiconify-and-focus
Key Left  A    M    Scroll -100 +0
Key Up    A    M    Scroll +0 -100
Key Right A    M    Scroll +100 +0
Key Down  A    M    Scroll +0 +100
Key F1    A    M    Popup Window-Ops
Key F2    A    M    Popup /mymenu
Key F3    A    M    Lower
Key F4    A    M    WindowList SelectOnRelease
Key F5    A    M    Prev
Key F6    A    M    Next
Key F7    A    M    Move
Key F8    A    M    Resize
Key F9    A    M    Iconify
Key F10   A    M    Maximize 100 100
Key F11   A    M    Raise
Key F12   A    M    Stick

# Section: Functions
# This section defines various functions.  Not all of these are used by
# the default bindings, but they can be useful for a user who wants to
# customize things.
# The following functions operate on a window or menu.  The
# names are systematic: foo means "do foo"; foo-or-bar means
# "do foo, if mouse is moving, bar if click"; and foo-or-bar-or-baz
# adds "baz, if double-clicked".
# "M" ist movement, C is click, "I" is immidiate, "D" is Doubleclicked

DestroyFunc deiconify-and-focus-or-move
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-focus-or-move
+ "C" Iconify -1
+ "C" Focus
+ "M" Move

DestroyFunc deiconify-and-raise
AddToFunc   deiconify-and-raise
+ "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Raise

DestroyFunc focus-and-raise
AddToFunc   focus-and-raise
+ "I" Focus
+ "I" Raise

DestroyFunc move-or-raiselower
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyFunc move-and-raise-or-raiselower
AddToFunc   move-and-raise-or-raiselower
+ "M" Move
+ "M" Raise
+ "C" RaiseLower

DestroyFunc move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
AddToFunc   move-or-raiselower-or-maximize-vertical
+ "M" Move
+ "C" RaiseLower
+ "D" Maximize 0 100

DestroyFunc resize-or-raiselower
AddToFunc   resize-or-raiselower
+ "M" Resize
+ "C" RaiseLower

# Authide
DestroyFunc FuncAutoEnter
AddToFunc FuncAutoEnter
+ I Autohide FvwmPager 0 500 SE

AddToFunc Autohide
+ I ThisWindow ($0) Deschedule $[]
+ I TestRc (!Match) Deschedule -$[]
+ I ThisWindow ($0) ThisWindow (shaded) AutohideShow $1 $3
+ I TestRc (!Match) All ($0, !shaded) AutohideHide $2 $3

AddToFunc AutohideShow
+ I Schedule $0 -$[] WindowShade $1 off
+ I Schedule $0 -$[] Deschedule $[]
+ I Schedule $0 -$[] Deschedule -$[]

AddToFunc AutohideHide
+ I Schedule $0 $[] WindowShade $1 on
+ I Schedule $0 $[] Deschedule $[]
+ I Schedule $0 $[] Deschedule -$[]

AddToFunc StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmAuto FvwmAutohide -menter FuncAutoEnter 

# Configure the FvwmPager module
*FvwmPager: Back SlateGrey
*FvwmPager: Fore Black
*FvwmPager: Font none
*FvwmPager: Hilight SlateBlue4
*FvwmPager: Geometry -0-0
*FvwmPager: SmallFont -*-times-medium-r-*-*-*-80-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPager: DeskTopScale 32
#*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
#*FvwmPager: Balloons 

# Configure the FvwmScript module
*FvwmScript: Path /etc/X11/fvwm/scripts

# Configure StatusBar
*StatusBar: Geometry 120x30-0+0
*StatusBar: Colorset 2
*StatusBar: Rows 1
*StatusBar: Columns 3
*StatusBar: Frame 0
*StatusBar: Padding 0 0
#*StatusBar: (2x2, Icon firefox48.png, Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec exec mozilla-firefox')
#*StatusBar: (2x2, Icon sylpheed-claws.png, Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec exec sylpheed-claws')
#*StatusBar: (2x2, Icon xmms48.png, Action(Mouse 1) 'Exec exec xmms')
*StatusBar: ( 1x1, Swallow (Kill) "battery" "FvwmScript battery")
*StatusBar: ( 1x1, Swallow (Kill) "mail" "FvwmScript mail")
*StatusBar: ( 1x1, Swallow (Kill) "clock" "FvwmScript clock")
#*StatusBar: ( 3x1, Swallow (Kill) "date"  "FvwmScript date", Action(Mouse 1) 'exec exec plan')

Style FvwmQuit  StaysOnTop, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkipIcon, CirculateSkip, HandleWidth 1, BorderWidth 1, NeverFocus, Layer 10, !Handles

*FvwmQuit:      BoxSize         fixed
*FvwmQuit:      Colorset        1
*FvwmQuit:      Rows            19
*FvwmQuit:      Columns         40
*FvwmQuit:      Geometry        220x100+520+412
*FvwmQuit:      Padding         0 0
*FvwmQuit:      Frame           0
*FvwmQuit:	Font		"shadow=0 se:xft:Verdena:size=8"

*FvwmQuit:      (36x5, Title "     What do you want to do?")
*FvwmQuit:      (3x3+37+0, ActionOnPress, Icon close.png, ActiveIcon close.png, Action(Mouse 1) `KillModule FvwmButtons FvwmQuit`)
*FvwmQuit:      (10x8+2+6, ActionOnPress, Icon logout_inactive.png, ActiveIcon logout.png, Action(Mouse 1) `Quit`)
*FvwmQuit:      (10x8+15+6, ActionOnPress, Icon reboot_inactive.png, ActiveIcon reboot.png, Action(Mouse 1) `exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now`)
*FvwmQuit:      (10x8+28+6, ActionOnPress, Icon shutdown_inactive.png, ActiveIcon shutdown.png, Action(Mouse 1) `exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now`)
*FvwmQuit:      (10x5+2+14, Title Logout)
*FvwmQuit:      (10x5+15+14, Title Reboot)
*FvwmQuit:      (10x5+28+14, Title Shutdown)

I could have sworn I’ve answered this before. Just use:

Next (NameOfScript) Move x y

And read many other ways of doing this. And learn not to paste your entire config file in your post. Don’t do it again. Use a pastebin.

– Thomas Adam

Sorry for posting the hole config.
I will never do it again, i swear :wink:

I have already read your tip with “move”,
but this does not answer my question, why the Position-Tag gets ignored.

i also do not get it to work with move.
This is how my function looks:

DestroyFunc QuitFunc
AddToFunc QuitFunc

  • I FvwmScipt quit
  • ThisWindow (quit) move 400 300

The script gets called, but nothing happens :-/

Thank you,

You want to use the following:

DestroyFunc QuitFunc
AddToFunc QuitFunc
+ I Module FvwmScipt quit
+ I Wait quit
+ Next (quit) move 400 300

See the FvwmCookBookFAQ for an explanation, as well as the main FVWM FAQ why.

– Thomas Adam

thank you for your fast answer.
Unfortunately it does not work either :frowning:

Of course it does – use FvwmIdent to ensure the name of the window is set correctly as referenced in your function. If not, change it.

– Thomas Adam

i don’t know why, but it is definetly not working here at the moment :-/

I think you should add

Style FvwmScript UsePPosition

to your fvwm config, if you want your scripts to be able to specify their position, since you have

Style * NoPPosition.

Ah, thank you. That did it… :smiley:

I stumbled upon this thread recently, read it both itself, as well as the referenced documents (FAQ, CookBook) - but still can’t find the answer to the question WHY does the WindowPosition option get ignored. Can anyone explain that (at least briefly)?

Is this option perhaps being applied only under certain circumstances? If so, when? Or is it currently of no use at all?


– owl

Because the client (i.e FvwmScript in this case) will set the location by itself. It does this using Program Position Hints. These have, in the past, been annoying (coughNetscapecough) and so the WM can be told to ignore them. (I can explain this to you in more detail if you want, but it gets rather technical and boring).

The other alternative is USPosition (Or User-Specified Position Hints) which is what you would consider a --geometry string, for instance.

I suspect the order of your style lines is out.

– Thomas Adam