xmodmap doesn't work with fvwm-2.4.19 on RedHat EL 4?


I couldn’t make the Left Handed (3 2 1)" Exec xmodmap -e “pointer = 3 2 1” working on fvwm-2.4.19 on a RedHat EL 4 workstatitions.
I am not sure that is a known issue or my fvwm configuration file is not right. My fvwm.rc was migrated from 2.2 version. The details are below. Thank you in advance for the lengthy posting.

grep -v ^# .fvwm2rc.2_24|grep -v ^$ |more
ImagePath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/:/usr/share/icons/:/usr/share/icons/mini/:/usr/share/pixmaps/:/usr/share/pixmaps/redhat/::+ImagePath /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/:/usr/share/icons/:/usr/share/icons/mini/:/usr/share/pixmaps/:/usr/share/pixmaps/redhat/::+AddToFunc XTermOtherHost

  • “I” exec xterm -name remotexterm -T $0 -n $0 -e rlogin $1
    ClickTime 150
    TitleStyle LeftJustified – flat
    ColorMapFocus FollowsFocus
    DeskTopSize 1x1
    OpaqueMoveSize 30
    EdgeResistance 400 40
    EdgeScroll 100 100
    TitleStyle Centered
    TitleStyle ActiveUp (Solid cyan4 – Raised)
    ActiveDown (Solid cyan4 – flat)
    Inactive (Solid grey51 – Raised)
    ButtonStyle Reset
    ButtonStyle All – UseTitleStyle
    ButtonStyle 2 Vector 5 25x25@1 25x75@1 75x75@0 75x25@0 25x25@1
    ButtonStyle 4 Vector 5 45x45@1 55x45@1 55x55@0 45x55@0 45x45@1
    Style "" Font helvetica-bold-r--120-
    Style "" HilightFore white, HilightBack cyan4
    MenuStyle black grey76 grey35 -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-
    -120-* mwm
    Style “" ForeColor black, SloppyFocus
    Style "
    ” Button 1, Button 2, Button 4, MWMButtons, MWMFunctions, MWMDecor
    Style “" SmartPlacement, RandomPlacement
    Style "
    ” Icon xterm.xpm, Iconbox 140 -50 -0 -0
    Style “*” DecorateTransient
    Mouse 1 R A Menu StartMenu Nop
    Mouse 2 R A WindowList
    Mouse 3 R A Menu AUTO_WM_CONFIG Nop
    Mouse 1 T A Function “Move-or-Raise-or-Maximize”
    Mouse 1 FS A Resize
    Mouse 2 FST A Menu “Window-Ops” Nop
    Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower
    Mouse 1 A CSM RaiseLower
    Mouse 2 A CSM Function “Move-or-Raise”
    Mouse 3 A CSM Function “Resize-or-Raise”
    Mouse 1 I A Function “Iconify-move-maximize”
    Mouse 2 I A Menu “Window-Ops” Nop
    Mouse 3 I A Function “Iconify-maximize”
    Mouse 0 1 N Menu Window-Ops Close
    Mouse 0 2 N MaximizeMouse 0 4 N Iconify
    Mouse 3 4 N Replace
    AddToFunc “SetupFunction”

  • “I” Module FvwmButtons
    Style "" Font helveticabold-r12*
    Style "" IconFont fixed
    MenuStyle black grey76 grey35 -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-
    -120-* mwm
    AddToMenu WindowManagers

  • “” Title

  • “FVWM 95” Restart /usr/X11R6/bin/RunWM.Fvwm95

  • “Lesstif WM” Restart /usr/X11R6/bin/RunWM.MWM

  • “AfterStep” Restart /usr/X11R6/bin/RunWM.AfterStep

  • “WindowMaker” Restart /usr/X11R6/bin/RunWM.WindowMaker
    AddToFunc “InitFunction”

  • “I” SetupFunction

  • “I” StartupFunction

  • “I” EndSetupFunction

  • “I” Module FvwmCommandS /tmp/.S2
    AddToFunc “RestartFunction”

  • “I” Module FvwmCommandS /tmp/.S2

  • “I” SetupFunction

  • “I” EndSetupFunction
    AddToFunc “Move-or-Raise-or-Maximize”

  • “M” Move

  • “M” Raise

  • “C” Raise

  • “D” Maximize
    AddToFunc “Move-or-Raise”

  • “M” Move

  • “M” Raise

  • “C” Raise
    AddToFunc “Move-and-Raise”

  • “I” Move

  • “I” Raise
    AddToFunc “Move-or-Lower”

  • “M” Move

  • “M” Lower

  • “C” Lower

  • “D” RaiseLower
    AddToFunc “Move-or-Iconify”

  • “M” Move

  • “D” Iconify
    AddToFunc “Resize-or-Raise”

  • “M” Resize

  • “M” Raise

  • “C” Raise

  • “D” RaiseLower
    AddToFunc “Iconify-Move-Maximize”

  • “C” Iconify

  • “D” Iconify

  • “D” Maximize

  • “M” Move
    AddToFunc “Iconify-Maximize”

  • “C” Iconify

  • “C” Maximize
    AddToFunc “Shade-or-Raise”

  • “M” Move

  • “C” Raise

  • “D” WindowShade
    AddToFunc “Maximize_Function”

  • “M” Move

  • “C” Maximize

  • “D” WindowShade
    AddToFunc “Delete-or-Popup”

  • “M” PopUp Window-Ops-Basic

  • “C” PopUp Window-Ops-Basic

  • “D” Delete
    AddToFunc “Close-or-Popup”

  • “M” PopUp Window-Ops-Basic

  • “C” PopUp Window-Ops-Basic

  • “D” Close
    AddToFunc Raise-and-Stick “I” Raise

  • “I” Stick
    AddToFunc MailFunction

  • “I” Next [$0] Iconify -1

  • “I” Next [$0] focus

  • “I” None [$0] Exec $0 $1
    AddToFunc StartXTerm “I” Exec xterm

  • “I” Wait xterm

  • “I” Next [xterm] Focus
    AddToFunc PrintFunction

  • “I” Raise

  • “I” Exec xvwd -id $w
    Key Left R N CursorMove -5 +0
    Key Right R N CursorMove +5 +0
    Key Up R N CursorMove +0 -5
    Key Down R N CursorMove +0 +5
    Key Left A CSM Scroll -100 0
    Key Right A CSM Scroll +100 +0
    Key Up A CSM Scroll +0 -100
    Key Down A CSM Scroll +0 +100
    Key KP_4 A CSM Scroll -10 0
    Key KP_6 A CSM Scroll +10 0
    Key KP_8 A CSM Scroll 0 -10
    Key KP_2 A CSM Scroll 0 +10
    Key F1 A CS Popup “Window-Ops”
    Key F2 A CS WindowList
    Key F3 A CS Popup “Hosts”
    Key F4 A CS Popup “Applications”
    Key F5 A CS Popup “Utilities”
    Key F6 A CS Popup “Multimedia”
    Key F7 A CS Move
    Key F8 A CS Resize
    Key Tab A M Next [CurrentScreen *] Focus
    Key Tab A SM Prev [CurrentScreen *] Focus
    Key Escape A M WindowList
    Key Up A CS Maximize 0 100
    Key Right A CS Maximize 100 0
    Key Return A CM RaiseLower
    Key Return A CS WindowList 1 -1
    Key Down A CS Iconify
    Key Home A CSM Desk 0 0
    Key End A CSM Desk 0 1
    Key BackSpace A CSM Delete
    Key KP_Decimal A CSM Destroy
    Key Escape A CSM FvwmForm LogoutVerify
    Key z A CSM Popup “RootStart”
    Key x A CSM Function StartXterm
    Key s WT CSM Function Raise-and-Stick
    Key a A CSM Popup “Applications”
    Key p A CSM Popup “Preferences”
    Key w A CSM Popup “Window-Ops”
    Key g A CSM Popup “Games”
    Key r A CSM Refresh
    AddToFunc “KeyMouseMoves”

  • “I” Key $0 A $4 CursorMove -$5 0

  • “I” Key $1 A $4 CursorMove 0 $5

  • “I” Key $2 A $4 CursorMove 0 -$5

  • “I” Key $3 A $4 CursorMove $5 0
    Function KeyMouseMoves F9 F10 F11 F12 CS 1
    Function KeyMouseMoves F9 F10 F11 F12 SM 7
    KeyMouseMoves h j k l CSM 10
    KeyMouseMoves y u i o CSM 1
    Key Tab A CM Next [CurrentScreen *xterm] focus
    Key Tab A CSM Prev [CurrentScreen *xterm] focus
    AddToMenu StartMenu "Start " Title

  • "&New shell " Exec xterm -fg bisque1 -bg black -bd gray -fn “--lucidatypewriter-medium----18-------*”

  • "&Programs " Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG "Programs " Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Administration” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Administration
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Applications” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Development” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Development
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Games” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Graphics” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Graphics
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Internet” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Multimedia” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “System” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Utilities” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “Help system” Exec gnome-help-browser &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG “XEmacs” Exec xemacs &
    Style “Help Tool” Icon find1.xpm
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Administration “Administration” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Administration “Help Tool” Exec helptool &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Administration “xosview” Exec xosview &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Administration “xsysinfo” Exec xsysinfo &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “Applications” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “Acrobat Reader” Exec acroread &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “Address Book” Exec gnomecard &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “Calendar” Exec gnomecal &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “GHex” Exec ghex &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “GnomePGP” Exec gpgp &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “gnotepad+” Exec gnp &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “Gnumeric spreadsheet” Exec gnumeric &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “GXedit” Exec gxedit &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “Ical” Exec ical &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “Time tracking tool” Exec gtt &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “XFig” Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xfig &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “xPDF” Exec xpdf &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Applications “xxgdb” Exec xxgdb &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Development “Development” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Development “DDD” Exec ddd &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Development “Glade” Exec glade &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Games” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Video” Popup AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games.Video
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “AisleRiot” Exec sol &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Chess” Exec xboard &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “CXHextris” Exec xhextris &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “FreeCell” Exec freecell &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “gataxx” Exec gataxx &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Glines” Exec glines &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Gnibbles” Exec gnibbles &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “GnobotsII” Exec gnobots2 &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Gnome Mines” Exec gnomine &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Gnome-Stones” Exec gnome-stones &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Gnotravex” Exec gnotravex &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “GTali” Exec gtali &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “gTuring” Exec gturing &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Iagno” Exec iagno &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Mahjongg” Exec mahjongg &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “Same Gnome” Exec same-gnome &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xbill” Exec xbill &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “XBoing” Exec xboing &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xcubes” Exec xcubes &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xdino” Exec xdino &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xeyes” Exec xeyes &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xgammon” Exec xgammon &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xhexagons” Exec xhexagons &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “XJewel” Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xjewel &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xmball” Exec xmball &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xmlink” Exec xmlink &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xoct” Exec xoct &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xpanex” Exec xpanex &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xpat2” Exec xpat2 &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xpyraminx” Exec xpyraminx &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xrubik” Exec xrubik &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xskewb” Exec xskewb &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “xtriangles” Exec xtriangles &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games “XTrojka” Exec xtrojka &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games.Video “Video” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games.Video “xpilot (requires server)” Exec xterm -e xpilot -join &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Games.Video “xpilots server” Exec xterm -e xpilots &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Graphics “Graphics” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Graphics “Electric Eyes” Exec ee &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Graphics “Ghostview” Exec gv &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Graphics “GQview” Exec gqview &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Graphics “Paint” Exec xpaint &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Graphics “XDvi” Exec /usr/bin/xdvi &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Internet” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Dialup Configuration Tool” Exec rp3-config &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Elm” Exec elm &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “gFTP” Exec gftp &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Lynx” Exec lynx &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Minicom” Exec minicom &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Mutt” Exec mutt &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “NcFTP” Exec ncftp &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Netscape Communicator” Exec /usr/bin/netscape-communicator &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Pine” Exec pine &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “RH Network Monitor” Exec usernet &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “RH PPP Dialer” Exec rp3 &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “slrn” Exec slrn &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Telnet” Exec telnet &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “Trn” Exec trn &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “X-Chat IRC client” Exec xchat &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Internet “XRN” Exec xrn &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “Multimedia” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “Audio Mixer” Exec gmix &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “CD Player” Exec gtcd &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “ESD Volume Meter” Exec vumeter &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “Extace Waveform Display” Exec extace &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “XMixer” Exec xmixer &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “XMMS” Exec xmms &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Multimedia “XPlayCD” Exec xplaycd &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “System” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “About Myself” Exec userinfo &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “Change Password” Exec userpasswd &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “Desktop Switching Tool” Exec switchdesk &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “Disk Management” Exec usermount &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “GnoRPM” Exec gnorpm-auth &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “Text mode tool menu” Exec /usr/sbin/setup &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.System “Update Agent” Exec /usr/bin/up2date &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Utilities” Title
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Bug Report Tool” Exec bug-buddy &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Calculator” Exec xcalc &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Color Browser…” Exec gcolorsel &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “ddd” Exec ddd &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Eterm” Exec Eterm &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “exmh” Exec exmh &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Font Selector” Exec xfontsel &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Font Selector…” Exec gfontsel &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “GNOME DiskFree” Exec gdiskfree &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “GNOME Search Tool” Exec gsearchtool &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “GNOME terminal” Exec gnome-terminal &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Info Viewer” Exec info &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Load Monitor” Exec xload &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Rxvt” Exec rxvt &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Simple Calculator” Exec gcalc &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Stripchart Plotter” Exec gstripchart &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “System Info…” Exec guname &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “System monitor” Exec gtop &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Text File Viewer” Exec gless --nostdin &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “Top” Exec top &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “User Listing” Exec gw &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “xditview” Exec xditview &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “xedit” Exec xedit %f &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “xjed” Exec xjed %f &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “XMailBox” Exec xmailbox &
    AddToMenu AUTO_WM_CONFIG.Utilities “xman” Exec xman &
    AddToMenu StartMenu

  • “” Nop

  • "&System Utilities " Popup SystemUtilities

  • "&Preferences " Popup “Preferences”

  • "&Window Operations " Popup Window-Ops

  • “” Nop
    *XLockFont fixed
    XLockButtonFont helvetica-bold-r--120-
    *XLockInputFont fixed
    *XLockFore black
    *XLockBack grey76
    *XLockItemFore black
    *XLockItemBack grey51
    *XLockLine center
    *XLockText “Available Xlock modes”
    XLockSelection Option singleXLock1Choice Option random on "Random "
    *XLock1Line expand
    *XLock1Line expand
    *XLock1Line expand
    *XLock1Button quit “Screen Saver”
    *XLock1Command Exec xlock -nice -16 -erasemode no_fade -mode $(Option) -nolock
    *XLock1Button quit “Background”
    *XLock1Command Exec xlock -nice -16 -erasemode no_fade -mode $(Option) -nolock -inroot
    *XLock1Button quit “Lock Screen”
    *XLock1Command Exec xlock -nice -16 -erasemode no_fade -mode $(Option)
    *XLock1Button quit “Cancel” ^[
    *XLock1Command Nop
    *XLock2Font fixed
    XLock2ButtonFont helvetica-bold-r--120-
    *XLock2InputFont fixed
    *XLock2Fore black
    *XLock2Back grey76
    *XLock2ItemFore black
    *XLock2ItemBack grey51
    *XLock2Line center
    *XLock2Text “Available Xlock modes”
    *XLock2Selection Option single
    *XLock2Choice Option random on "Random "
    *XLock2Line expand
    *XLock2Line expand
    *XLock2Line expand
    *XLock2Button quit “Screen Saver”
    *XLock2Command Exec xlock -nice -16 -erasemode no_fade -mode $(Option) -nolock
    *XLock2Button quit “Background”
    *XLock2Command Exec xlock -nice -16 -erasemode no_fade -mode $(Option) -nolock -inroot
    *XLock2Button quit “Lock Screen”
    *XLock2Command Exec xlock -nice -16 -erasemode no_fade -mode $(Option)
    *XLock2Button quit “Cancel” ^[
    *XLock2Command Nop
    AddToMenu StartMenu

  • "Lock Screen / Screen Saver (first half) " FvwmForm XLock1

  • "Lock Screen / Screen Saver (second half) " FvwmForm XLock2

  • “” Nop
    AddToMenu StartMenu

  • "A&bout Fvwm " FvwmForm About

  • “” NopAddToMenu StartMenu "E&xit Fvwm " Popup Quit-Verify
    AddToMenu “Quit-Verify” “Really Quit Fvwm?” Title

  • "&Restart " Restart

  • “” Nop

  • "&Switch To… " Popup WindowManagers

  • “” Nop

  • "&No, Don’t Quit " Nop

  • "&Yes, Really Quit " Quit
    AddToMenu ScrollPreferences “Change Scroll Behavior” Title

  • “&On” EdgeScroll 100 100

  • “O&ff” EdgeScroll 0 0

  • “&Horizontal Only” EdgeScroll 100 0

  • “&Vertical Only” EdgeScroll 0 100

  • “&Partial” EdgeScroll 50 50
    AddToMenu Colours “Color Settings” Title

  • “Color &Map” Exec xcmap

  • “&Reset Color Map” Exec xstdcmap -default
    AddToFunc SetRootCursor “I” Exec xsetroot -cursor_name $0
    AddToMenu RootCursor “Set Root Cursor” Title

  • “&Reset to X_cursor” SetRootCursor X_cursor

  • “&Miscellany” Popup MiscellanyCursors

  • “&Arrows” Popup ArrowCursors

  • “Cor&ners” Popup CornersCursors

  • “&Crosses” Popup CrossesCursors

  • “&Objects” Popup ObjectsCursors
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “arrow” SetRootCursor arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “based_arrow_down” SetRootCursor based_arrow_down
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “based_arrow_up” SetRootCursor based_arrow_up
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “double_arrow” SetRootCursor double_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “question_arrow” SetRootCursor question_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “sb_down_arrow” SetRootCursor sb_down_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “sb_h_double_arrow” SetRootCursor sb_h_double_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “sb_left_arrow” SetRootCursor sb_left_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “sb_right_arrow” SetRootCursor sb_right_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “sb_up_arrow” SetRootCursor sb_up_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “sb_v_double_arrow” SetRootCursor sb_v_double_arrow
    AddToMenu ArrowCursors “top_left_arrow” SetRootCursor top_left_arrow
    AddToMenu CornersCursors “top_left_corner” SetRootCursor top_left_corner
    AddToMenu CornersCursors “top_side” SetRootCursor top_side
    AddToMenu CornersCursors “top_right_corner” SetRootCursor top_right_corner
    AddToMenu CornersCursors “left_side” SetRootCursor left_side
    AddToMenu CornersCursors “right_side” SetRootCursor right_side

AddToMenu CornersCursors “bottom_left_corner” SetRootCursor bottom_left_corner
AddToMenu CornersCursors “bottom_side” SetRootCursor bottom_side
AddToMenu CornersCursors “bottom_right_corner” SetRootCursor bottom_right_corner
AddToMenu CrossesCursors “X_cursor” SetRootCursor X_cursor
AddToMenu CrossesCursors “cross” SetRootCursor cross
AddToMenu CrossesCursors “cross_reverse” SetRootCursor cross_reverse
AddToMenu CrossesCursors “crosshair” SetRootCursor crosshair
AddToMenu CrossesCursors “diamond_cross” SetRootCursor diamond_cross
AddToMenu CrossesCursors “iron_cross” SetRootCursor iron_cross
AddToMenu CrossesCursors “tcross” SetRootCursor tcross
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “boat” SetRootCursor boat
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “bogosity” SetRootCursor bogosity
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “box_spiral” SetRootCursor box_spiral
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “circle” SetRootCursor circle
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “clock” SetRootCursor clock
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “coffee_mug” SetRootCursor coffee_mug
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “dot” SetRootCursor dot
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “dotbox” SetRootCursor dotbox
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “draft_large” SetRootCursor draft_large
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “draft_small” SetRootCursor draft_small
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “draped_box” SetRootCursor draped_box
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “exchange” SetRootCursor exchange
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “fleur” SetRootCursor fleur
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “gobbler” SetRootCursor gobbler
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “gumby” SetRootCursor gumby
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “hand1” SetRootCursor hand1
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “hand2” SetRootCursor hand2
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “heart” SetRootCursor heart
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “icon” SetRootCursor icon
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “man” SetRootCursor man
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “mouse” SetRootCursor mouse
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “num_glyphs” SetRootCursor num_glyphs
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “pencil” SetRootCursor pencil
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “pirate” SetRootCursor pirate
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “plus” SetRootCursor plus
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “rtl_logo” SetRootCursor rtl_logo
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “sailboat” SetRootCursor sailboat
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “shuttle” SetRootCursor shuttle
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “spider” SetRootCursor spider
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “spraycan” SetRootCursor spraycan
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “star” SetRootCursor star
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “target” SetRootCursor target
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “trek” SetRootCursor trek
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “umbrella” SetRootCursor umbrella
AddToMenu ObjectsCursors “watch” SetRootCursor watch
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “bottom_tee” SetRootCursor bottom_tee
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “left_tee” SetRootCursor left_tee
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “leftbutton” SetRootCursor leftbutton
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “ll_angle” SetRootCursor ll_angle
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “lr_angle” SetRootCursor lr_angle
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “ul_angle” SetRootCursor ul_angle
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “ur_angle” SetRootCursor ur_angle
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “middlebutton” SetRootCursor middlebutton
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “right_tee” SetRootCursor right_tee
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “rightbutton” SetRootCursor rightbutton
AddToMenu TeesButtonsAnglesCursors “top_tee” SetRootCursor top_tee
AddToMenu MiscellanyCursors “center_ptr” SetRootCursor center_ptr
AddToMenu MiscellanyCursors “left_ptr” SetRootCursor left_ptr
AddToMenu MiscellanyCursors “right_ptr” SetRootCursor right_ptr
AddToMenu MiscellanyCursors “sizing” SetRootCursor sizing
AddToMenu MiscellanyCursors “xterm” SetRootCursor xterm
AddToFunc Speed “I” Exec xset m $0
AddToMenu MouseSettings “Mouse Settings” Title

  • “&1 Ultra Fastest” Speed “20 5”
  • “&2 Next Fastest” Speed “15 6”
  • “&3 Faster” Speed “10 7”
  • “&4 Fast” Speed “7 8”
  • “&5 Normal” Speed “5 10”
  • “&6 Slower” Speed “default”
  • “&N No acceleration” Speed “0 10000”
  • “” Nop
  • “&Right Handed (1 2 3)” Exec xmodmap -e “pointer = 1 2 3”
  • “&Left Handed (3 2 1)” Exec xmodmap -e “pointer = 3 2 1”
    AddToFunc AutoRaiseSpeed
  • “I” KillModule FvwmAuto
  • “I” FvwmAuto $0
    AddToMenu AutoRaiseMenu “AutoRaise” Title
  • “O&ff” KillModule FvwmAuto
  • “” Nop
  • “&0 ms” Function AutoRaiseSpeed 0
  • “&200 ms” Function AutoRaiseSpeed 200
  • “&400 ms” Function AutoRaiseSpeed 400
  • “&500 ms” Function AutoRaiseSpeed 500
  • “&1000 ms” Function AutoRaiseSpeed 1000
  • “&3000 ms” Function AutoRaiseSpeed 3000
    AddToMenu AudioSettings “Audio Settings” Title
  • “&On” Module FvwmAudio
  • “O&ff” KillModule FvwmAudio
    AddToMenu XResources “X Resources” Title
  • “&Load .Xdefaults” Exec xrdb -load .Xdefaults
  • “&Merge .Xdefaults” Exec xrdb -merge .Xdefaults
  • “L&oad .Xresources” Exec xrdb -load .Xresources
  • “M&erge .Xresources” Exec xrdb -merge .Xresources
  • “” Nop
  • “&Display current settings” Exec rxvt -T XResources\ --\ Use\ Meta-PgUp/Dn\ to\ Scroll -n XResources -e sh -c “xrdb -query && read waitforreturn”
    AddToFunc Wharf
  • “I” KillModule FvwmButtons
  • “I” KillModule FvwmPager
  • “I” Module FvwmWharf
    *PreferencesButtonsRows 1
    *PreferencesButtonsFore black
    *PreferencesButtonsBack grey51
    AddToMenu Preferences “Preferences Button Bar” Module FvwmButtons PreferencesButtons
    AddToMenu Preferences “” Nop
    AddToMenu Preferences “&Background” FvwmScript ScreenSetup
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-colors.xpm, Action “FvwmScript ScreenSetup”)
    AddToMenu Preferences “&Root Cursor” Popup RootCursor
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-cross.xpm, Action “Popup RootCursor”)
    AddToMenu Preferences “&Mouse” Popup MouseSettings
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-mouse.xpm, Action “Popup MouseSettings”)
    AddToMenu Preferences “&Colours” Popup Colours
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-colors.xpm, Action “Popup Colours”)
    AddToMenu Preferences “&AutoRaise” Popup AutoRaiseMenu
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-raise.xpm, Action “Popup AutoRaiseMenu”)
    AddToMenu Preferences “&Scroll Setup” Popup ScrollPreferences
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-scroll-arrows.xpm, Action “Popup ScrollPreferences”)
    AddToMenu Preferences “&X Resources” Popup XResources
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-x2.xpm, Action “Popup XResources”)
    AddToMenu Preferences “Save &Desktop to new.xinitrc” Module FvwmSave
    *PreferencesButtons(Icon mini-floppy.xpm, Action “Module FvwmSave”)
    *SystemUtilitiesButtonsRows 1
    *SystemUtilitiesButtonsFore black
    *SystemUtilitiesButtonsBack grey51
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “SystemUtilities Button Bar” Module FvwmButtons SystemUtilitiesButtons
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “” Nop
    Style “xterm” MiniIcon mini-shadowman-64.xpm
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “&Root shell” Exec xterm -T Root_Window -n Root_Window -e sh -c su
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-shadowman-64.xpm, Action 'Exec “xterm” xterm -T Root_Window -n Root_Window -e sh -c su ')
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “T&op” Exec rxvt -name top -T Top -n Top -e top
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-run.xpm, Action “Exec rxvt -name top -T Top -n Top -e top”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “&Identify Window” Module FvwmIdent
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-question.xpm, Action “Module FvwmIdent”)
    Style “rxvt” MiniIcon mini-windows.xpm
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “&Window Info” Exec rxvt -T WindowInfo\ --\ Use\ Meta-PgUp/Dn\ to\ Scroll -n WindowInfo -e sh -c “xwininfo && read waitforreturn”
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-windows.xpm, Action ‘Exec “rxvt” rxvt -T WindowInfo\ --\ Use\ Meta-PgUp/Dn\ to\ Scroll -n WindowInfo -e sh -c “xwininfo && read waitforreturn”’)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “&Talk Module” Module FvwmTalk
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-talk.xpm, Action “Module FvwmTalk”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “&Pager Module” Module FvwmPager 0 5
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-pager.xpm, Action “Module FvwmPager 0 5”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “Task &Bar” Module FvwmTaskBar
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-exp.xpm, Action “Module FvwmTaskBar”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “W&harf” Function Wharf
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-pager.xpm, Action “Function Wharf”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “” Nop
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “Fvwm &Command” FvwmForm TalkForm
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-talk.xpm, Action “FvwmForm TalkForm”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “Reread .&Xdefaults” Exec xrdb -merge .Xdefaults
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-exclam.xpm, Action “Exec xrdb -merge .Xdefaults”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “Restart &Fvwm2” Restart
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-turn.xpm, Action “Restart fvwm2”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “” Nop
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “Re&fresh Screen” Refresh
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-ray.xpm, Action “Refresh”)
    AddToMenu SystemUtilities “Re&capture All Windows” Recapture
    *SystemUtilitiesButtons(Icon mini-recapture.xpm, Action “Recapture”)
    *Window-OpsButtonsRows 1
    *Window-OpsButtonsFore black
    *Window-OpsButtonsBack grey51
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Window-Ops Button Bar” Module FvwmButtons Window-OpsButtons
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “” Nop
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Move” Function Move-and-Raise
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-move.xpm, Action “Function Move-and-Raise”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Resize” Function Resize-or-Raise
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-resize.xpm, Action “Function Resize-or-Raise”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “R&aise” Raise
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-raise.xpm, Action “Raise”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Lower” Lower
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-lower.xpm, Action “Lower”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Hide/Restore” Iconify
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-iconify.xpm, Action “Iconify”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Stick/Unstick” Stick
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-stick.xpm, Action “Stick”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Ma&ximize/Reset” Maximize 100 100
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Maximize &Tall/Reset” Maximize 0 100
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-maxtall.xpm, Action “Maximize 0 100”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Maximize &Wide/Reset” Maximize 100 0
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-maxwide.xpm, Action “Maximize 100 0”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “” Nop
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Cascad&e” FvwmCascade -resize 0 0 80 60
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Tile Hori&zontal” FvwmTile -h 0 0 99 90
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Tile &Vertical” FvwmTile 0 0 99 90
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “” Nop
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Delete” Delete
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Close” Close
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-cross.xpm, Action “Close”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “&Kill” Destroy
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-bomb.xpm, Action “Destroy”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “” Nop
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Scroll&Bar” Module FvwmScroll 2 2
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-scroll-arrows.xpm, Action “Module FvwmScroll 2 2”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Capture &Windows” FvwmForm Capture
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Clean-&Up Module” Module FvwmClean
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-pencil.xpm, Action “Module FvwmClean”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Window &List Module” Module FvwmWinList
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-windows.xpm, Action “Module FvwmWinList”)
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “” Nop
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Switch to…” WindowList
    AddToMenu Window-Ops “Re&fresh Screen” Refresh
    *Window-OpsButtons(Icon mini-ray.xpm, Action “Refresh”)
    AddToMenu “Window-Ops-Basic”
  • "&Move " Move-or-Raise
  • "&Size " Resize-or-Raise
  • "Mi&nimize " Iconify 1
  • “Ma&ximize” Maximize 100 100
  • “” Nop
  • "&Close " Close
  • "&Kill " Destroy
    Style “Fvwm*” NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 1
    Style "clock" StaysOnTop,Sticky,CirculateSkip,NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 1
    Style “xosview” StaysOnTop,Sticky,CirculateSkip,NoTitle
    Style “xbiff” StaysOnTop,Sticky,CirculateSkip,NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 1
    Style “xeyes” NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 1,CirculateSkip
    Style “xload” StaysOnTop,Sticky,NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 1,CirculateSkip
    Style "ppp" StaysOnTop,Sticky,NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 1,CirculateSkip
    Style “Msgs” CirculateSkip
    Style "onsole" CirculateSkip
    Style “xman” NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 1,CirculateSkip
    Style “ntl” NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 5,CirculateSkip,Sticky
    Style “Alarm_text” Sticky
    Style “Properties” Sticky
    Style “xterm” Icon xterm.xpm
    Style “shell” Icon xterm.xpm
    FvwmButtonsFore black
    FvwmButtonsBack grey51
    FvwmButtonsGeometry 105x400+0-0
    FvwmButtonsColumns 1
    FvwmButtonsFont -helvetica-bold-r---10-

    Fvwmbuttons(1x23,Swallow(UseOld,Kill) “WS Buttons” ‘Exec nice -16 /awc/local/bin/wsbuttons.tcl .wsname.conf.$DISPLAY /tmp/.S2’)
    FvwmButtons(1x3, Title “CleanVGF”, Action ‘Exec nice -16 /awc/local/bin/start_from_csh cleanvgf’)
    FvwmButtons(1x3, Title “llfp_nmap”, Action “Desk 0 6”)
    FvwmButtons(1x3, Title “LLFP”, Action ‘Exec nice -16 /awc/local/bin/start_from_csh /awc/fcst/faspare/create_ll_products’)
    FvwmButtons(1x6, Swallow(UseOld,Kill) XLoad ‘Exec nice -16 xload -nolabel -bg grey60 -update 5’)
    FvwmButtons(1x5,Swallow(UseOld,Kill) product_alarm ‘Exec nice -16 /awc/local/bin/start_from_csh /awc/local/bin/product_alarm’)
    FvwmButtons(1x5,Swallow(UseOld,Kill) dateclock ‘Exec nice -16 /awc/local/bin/xdateclock’)
    Style “FvwmButtons” Sticky,WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip,NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 5
    Style “FvwmPager” StaysOnTop,Sticky, WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip, NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 0
    FvwmPagerFont -helvetica-bold-r---18-

    *FvwmPagerColumns 6
    *FvwmPagerRows 1
    *FvwmPagerLabel 0 “Space1”
    *FvwmPagerLabel 1 “Space2”
    *FvwmPagerLabel 2 “Space3”
    *FvwmPagerLabel 3 “Space4”
    *FvwmPagerLabel 4 “Space5”
    *FvwmPagerLabel 5 “Space6”
    *FvwmPagerSmallFont none
    *FvwmPagerBack #908090
    *FvwmPagerFore #484048
    *FvwmPagerHilight #CAB3CA
    *FvwmPagerBack grey51
    *FvwmPagerFore black
    *FvwmPagerWindowColors black grey51 white green3
    *FvwmPagerBalloons Icon
    *FvwmPagerBalloonBack bisque
    FvwmPagerBalloonFore black
    PowerButtonsRows 1
    PowerButtonsGeometry -150-1
    PowerButtonsFore black
    PowerButtonsBack grey51
    PowerButtons(Icon mini-display.xpm, Action ‘Exec “xterm” xterm’)
    PowerButtons(Icon mini-book1.xpm, Action ‘Exec “xman” xman’)
    Style “PowerButtons” StaysOnTop,Sticky, NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 0
    FvwmNoClutter 3600 Iconify 1
    FvwmNoClutter 86400 Delete
    FvwmNoCLutter 172800 Destroy
    FvwmIdentBack #000080
    FvwmIdentFore Yellow
    FvwmIdentFont -helvetica-medium-r---12-

    FvwmWinListBack #c3c3c3
    FvwmWinListFore Black
    FvwmWinListFont -helvetica-bold-r---10-

    *FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus
    *FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify
    *FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module “FvwmIdent” FvwmIdent
    *FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1

Style “FvwmTaskBar” BorderWidth 3, HandleWidth 3, Sticky,
Style “FvwmTaskBar” StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip, NoTitle
FvwmTaskBarGeometry +1-0
FvwmTaskBarFore Black
FvwmTaskBarBack #c3c3c3
FvwmTaskBarTipsFore black
FvwmTaskBarTipsBack bisque
FvwmTaskBarFont -helvetica-medium-r---12-
FvwmTaskBarSelFont -helvetica-bold-r---12-------*
*FvwmTaskBarAction Click1 Iconify -1,Raise,Focus
*FvwmTaskBarAction Click2 Module “FvwmIdent” FvwmIdent
*FvwmTaskBarAction Click3 Resize
*FvwmTaskBarStartName Start
*FvwmTaskBarStartMenu StartMenu
*FvwmTaskBarStartIcon shadowman-mini.xpm
*FvwmTaskBarBellVolume 10
*FvwmTaskBarMailBox /var/spool/mail/steves
*FvwmTaskBarClockFormat %a %B %d %H:%M
*FvwmAudioDir /usr/share/sound
*FvwmAudioPlayCmd play
*FvwmAudioDelay 0
*FvwmAudio startup
*FvwmAudio shutdown
*FvwmAudio unknown
*FvwmAudio add_window
*FvwmAudio raise_window
*FvwmAudio lower_window
*FvwmAudio focus_change_window
*FvwmAudio destroy_window
*FvwmAudio iconify
*FvwmAudio deiconify
*FvwmAudio toggle_paging
*FvwmAudio new_page
*FvwmAudio new_desk
*FvwmAudio configure_window
*FvwmAudio window_name
*FvwmAudio icon_name
*FvwmAudio res_class
*FvwmAudio res_name
*FvwmAudio end_windowlist
*FvwmScrollFore gray76
*FvwmScrollBack gray51
*FvwmIconBoxIconBack #cfcfcf
*FvwmIconBoxIconHiFore black
*FvwmIconBoxIconHiBack LightSkyBlue
*FvwmIconBoxBack LightSlateGray
*FvwmIconBoxGeometry 6x1+0-0
*FvwmIconBoxMaxIconSize 64x50
*FvwmIconBoxFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal–10-100-75-75-p-57-iso8859-1
*FvwmIconBoxPadding 4
*FvwmIconBoxLines 6
*FvwmIconBoxPlacement Left Top
*FvwmIconBoxHideSC Horizontal
*FvwmIconBoxMouse 1 Click RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBoxMouse 1 DoubleClick Iconify
*FvwmIconBoxMouse 2 Click Iconify -1, Focus
*FvwmIconBoxMouse 3 Click Module “FvwmIdent” FvwmIdent
*FvwmIconBoxSBWidth 2
*FvwmIconBoxKey r RaiseLower
*FvwmIconBoxKey space Iconify
*FvwmIconBoxKey d Close
*FvwmIconBoxKey n
*FvwmIconBoxKey p Prev
*FvwmIconBoxKey h Left
*FvwmIconBoxKey j Down
*FvwmIconBoxKey k Up
*FvwmIconBoxKey l Right
Style “FvwmBanner” StaysOnTop,Sticky, WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip, BorderWidth 0, ClickToFocus
Style “FvwmWharf” StaysOnTop,Sticky, WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip, ClickToFocus, NoTitle,NoHandles,BorderWidth 0
*FvwmWharfGeometry -0+0
*FvwmWharfColumns 1
*FvwmWharfTextureType 255
*FvwmWharfBgColor gray51
*FvwmWharf AfterStep AfterStep.xpm Folder
*FvwmWharf Shutdown ShutDown.xpm Quit
*FvwmWharf xlock KeysOnChain.xpm FvwmForm XLock
*FvwmWharf ~Folder
*FvwmWharf xclock nil Swallow “xclock” xclock -bg “#8e8a9e” -fg “#00003f” -geometry 45x45-1-1 -padding 0 &
*FvwmWharf xbiff nil Swallow “xbiff” xbiff -bg “#8e8a9e” -fg “#00003f” -geometry 45x45-1-1 &
*FvwmWharf xload nil Swallow “xload” xload -nolabel -hl black -bg “#8e8a9e” -geometry 48x48-1-1 &
*FvwmWharf xload nil Exec xterm -ut -T top -e top &
*FvwmWharf Pager nil Swallow “FvwmPager” Module FvwmPager 0 0
*FvwmWharf xterm monitor-check.xpm Exec xterm -bg black -geometry 80x25 -sl 500 -sb -ls -T ‘xterm: steves@synoptic’ &
*FvwmWharf emacs text.xpm Exec xemacs &
*FvwmWharf gimp 3dpaint.xpm Exec gimp &

*FvwmWharf elm writeletter.xpm Exec xterm -T “elm” -e elm &
*FvwmWharf Netscape netscape3.xpm Exec netscape &
*FvwmWharf Recycler recycler.xpm Restart
*FvwmScriptPath /etc/X11/AnotherLevel/scripts
LogoutVerifyFont helvetica-bold-r24
LogoutVerifyButtonFont helveticamedium-r12

*LogoutVerifyFore black
*LogoutVerifyBack grey76
*LogoutVerifyItemFore black
*LogoutVerifyItemBack grey51
*LogoutVerifyLine center
*LogoutVerifyText “Do you really want to logout?”
*LogoutVerifyLine expand
*LogoutVerifyButton quit “Yes” Y
*LogoutVerifyCommand Quit
*LogoutVerifyButton quit “Cancel” e
*LogoutVerifyCommand Nop
LogoutVerifyButton quit “Restart Fvwm” R
LogoutVerifyCommand Restart
Style “LogoutVerify” StaysOnTop,Sticky
AboutFore black
AboutBack grey76
AboutItemFore black
AboutItemBack grey51
AboutFont helvetica-bold-r---12-

*AboutLine center
*AboutText “AnotherLevel - a FVWM2 configuration”
*AboutLine center
*AboutText “Copyright © 1997, Red Hat Software, Inc.”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “Serverhost=condor, Clienthost=condor”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “Hostname=condor, Ostype=Linux, User=steved”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “Version=11, Revision=6”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “Vendor=The XFree86 Project, Inc, Release=3360”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “Width=1600, Height=1200”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “X_Resolution=3941, Y_Resolution=3934”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “Planes=8, Class=PseudoColor, Color=Yes”
*AboutLine left
*AboutText "Fvwm_Version=2.2.4, Options=SHAPE XPM M4 "
*AboutLine left
*AboutText “Fvwmdir=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2”
*AboutLine center
AboutButton quit “Dismiss”
Style “About” NoButton 2, NoButton 4, NoButton 6, StaysOnTop,Sticky
XrshFont helveticamedium-r12

*XrshButtonFont fixed
*XrshFore black
*XrshBack grey76
*XrshItemFore black
*XrshItemBack grey51
XrshLine center
XrshText “Xrsh”
XrshFont helveticamedium-rn

*XrshLine expand
*XrshSelection Host single
*XrshChoice _arg1USER_HOST_LIST _arg1USER_HOST_LIST off “_arg1user_host_list”
*XrshChoice shiftUSER_HOST_LIST shiftUSER_HOST_LIST off “Shiftuser_host_list”
*XrshLine expand
*XrshButton quit “emacs” E
*XrshCommand Exec $(_arg1USER_HOST_LIST?xon _arg1USER_HOST_LIST)$(shiftUSER_HOST_LIST?xon shiftUSER_HOST_LIST) emacs
*XrshButton quit “xemacs” X
*XrshCommand Exec $(_arg1USER_HOST_LIST?xon _arg1USER_HOST_LIST)$(shiftUSER_HOST_LIST?xon shiftUSER_HOST_LIST) xemacs
*XrshButton quit “xload” L
*XrshCommand Exec $(_arg1USER_HOST_LIST?xon _arg1USER_HOST_LIST)$(shiftUSER_HOST_LIST?xon shiftUSER_HOST_LIST) xload
*XrshButton quit “netscape” N
*XrshCommand Exec $(_arg1USER_HOST_LIST?xon _arg1USER_HOST_LIST)$(shiftUSER_HOST_LIST?xon shiftUSER_HOST_LIST) netscape
*XrshButton quit “xterm” T
*XrshCommand Exec $(_arg1USER_HOST_LIST?xon _arg1USER_HOST_LIST)$(shiftUSER_HOST_LIST?xon shiftUSER_HOST_LIST) xterm
*XrshButton quit “Cancel” ^[
*XrshCommand Nop
RloginFont helveticamedium-r12

RloginButtonFont fixed
RloginInputFont helveticamedium-r12

*RloginFore black
*RloginBack grey76
*RloginItemFore black
*RloginItemBack grey51
*RloginLine center
*RloginText “Login to Remote Host”
*RloginLine center
*RloginText “Host:”
*RloginInput HostName 20 “”
*RloginLine center
*RloginSelection UserSel single
*RloginChoice Default Default on “steved”
*RloginChoice Custom Custom off “Username:”
*RloginInput UserName 10 “”
*RloginLine expand
*RloginButton quit “Login” ^M
*RloginCommand Exec xterm -T xterm@$(HostName) -e rlogin $(HostName) $(Custom?-l $(UserName))
*RloginButton restart “Clear”
RloginCommand Beep
RloginButton quit “Cancel”
RloginCommand Nop
TalkFormFont helveticamedium-r12

TalkFormButtonFont helveticamedium-r12

TalkFormInputFont BASIC-FONTmedium-r

*TalkFormFore black
*TalkFormBack grey76
*TalkFormItemFore black
*TalkFormItemBack grey51
*TalkFormLine center
*TalkFormText “Fvwm Function”
*TalkFormInput Func 40 “”
*TalkFormLine expand
*TalkFormButton quit “Run” ^M
*TalkFormCommand $(Func)
*TalkFormButton restart “Clear” ^R
*TalkFormButton quit “Cancel” ^C
TalkFormCommand Nop
CaptureFont helveticamedium-r12

CaptureButtonFont fixed
CaptureInputFont helveticamedium-r12

*CaptureLine center
*CaptureText “Capture Window”
*CaptureLine left
*CaptureText "File: "
*CaptureInput file 25 “/tmp/Capture”
*CaptureLine left
*CaptureText "Printer: "
*CaptureInput printer 20 “ps1”
*CaptureLine expand
*CaptureSelection PtrType single
*CaptureChoice PS ps on “PostScript”
*CaptureChoice Ljet ljet off “HP LaserJet”
*CaptureLine left
*CaptureText “xwd options:”
*CaptureLine expand
*CaptureSelection Options multiple
*CaptureChoice Brd -nobdrs off “No border”
*CaptureChoice Frm -frame on “With frame”
*CaptureChoice XYZ -xy off "XY "

*AudioEventsFont fixed
*AudioEventsButtonFont fixed
*AudioEventsFore black
*AudioEventsBack grey76
*AudioEventsItemFore black
*AudioEventsItemBack grey51
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “startup”
*AudioEventsInput startup 50 “bud.au”
*AudioEventsText “shutdown”
*AudioEventsInput shutdown 50 “”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “unknown”
*AudioEventsInput unknown 50 “doh.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “add_window”
*AudioEventsInput add_window 50 “gong.wav”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “raise_window”
*AudioEventsInput raise_window 50 “chimes.wav”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “lower_window”
*AudioEventsInput lower_window 50 “beep1.wav”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “focus_change_window”
*AudioEventsInput focus_change_window 50 “beep1.wav”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “destroy_window”
*AudioEventsInput destroy_window 50 “splat.wav”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “iconify”
*AudioEventsInput iconify 50 “splat.wav”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “deiconify”
*AudioEventsInput deiconify 50 “ploop.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “toggle_paging”
*AudioEventsInput toggle_paging 50 “fwop.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “new_page”
*AudioEventsInput new_page 50 “beam_trek.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “new_desk”
*AudioEventsInput new_desk 50 “beam_trek.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “configure_window”
*AudioEventsInput configure_window 50 “huh.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “window_name”
*AudioEventsInput window_name 50 “beep.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “icon_name”
*AudioEventsInput icon_name 50 “beep.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “res_class”
*AudioEventsInput res_class 50 “beep.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “res_name”
*AudioEventsInput res_name 50 “beep.au”
*AudioEventsLine left
*AudioEventsText “end_windowlist”
*AudioEventsInput end_windowlist 50 “beep.au”
*AudioEventsLine expand
*AudioEventsButton quit “Quit” e
*AudioEventsButton nop “Apply” A
*AudioEventsCommand *FvwmAudio raise_window $(raise_window)
*AudioEventsCommand *FvwmAudio lower_window $(lower_window)
AddToFunc “SetupFunction”

  • “I” Exec xsetroot -solid grey51
    AddToFunc “EndSetupFunction”
    AddToFunc “StartupFunction”
  • “I” Exec start_from_csh ntl
  • “I” Exec xscreensaver -nosplash
  • “I” Exec xset dpms 3600 0 0
  • “I” Exec xset s off


After several tests, found the xmodmap manual was outdated. The command
xmodmap -e “pointer = 3 2 1” is not valid any more. The correct one is
xmodmap -e “pointer = 3 2 1 4 5”. pointer option needs 5 parameters instead of 3.
Write the note here in case someone has the same issue.


The manual is not outdatet. It states perfectly clear that the example is for a three button mouse. You will always have to have one argument per physical mouse button.

My mouse is a three button mouse, and at least fvwm 2.2 version agreed since it worked there.

Well, it might be that your X server is configured for a 5-button (i.e two buttons+mouse wheel). It’s not the physical hardware that defines what the x-programs see, but the configuration of it. If you need 5 parameters to xmodmap, then you have a 5-button mouse software side. (You can verify this by binding something to mouse 5 and see that fvwm produce no error.)

Also this has nothing to do with fvwm, but with xmodmap or X. Hae you upgraded either of them since you had it working before?

That must be the reason. Although this mouse is a plain 3 button mouse, no wheel so ever, who knows how the kernel or Xorg recognizes it. Maybe the default button number is 5 instead of 3 now. Thanks.