FVWM3 myExt collection

This collection is inspired by the Gnome Extensions that make Gnome multifunctional. This gave the name “FVWN myExtentions”. With the new FVWM3, it started as an experiment similar to what I did in 2005 ( ArchWD-FVWM ) which was complex and running on root system files. With myExt, it is easier to work and manage by using the default FVWM3 config as a base and directly in ~/.fvwm. The config is split into folders and runs in the same sequence as the original. The additional extensions are simply added in associated folders.

  1. 1Functions
  2. 2-3Styles
  3. 4Menus
  4. 5Bindings
  5. 6Decor
  6. 7Modules

Besides the fast and low memory usage of FVWM, the aim is to speed up the workflow on common tasks and a clean desk. Access to choices and customization. This structure helps to maintain and create new functions, decors, and modules.

Config setup and download are posted in MX Linux, please click here.


The new extensions improve the workflow without getting distracted by a small minimize, maximize, or close button. Or limiting the feature of resizing or moving a window. On the desk, you can do it with a right-click mouse and click anywhere on the window. Or use larger buttons on the control panel. On the pager, you can move a window from one page to another with the mid-click mouse.

The desk looks clean without a fancy title bar and the minimized windows are easily retrieved thumbnails. Cerebro finds applications and websites.
Please check the new post here.

These extensions are new choices to an existing system, such as replacing RightPanel with a separate pager and task panel. Here I am displaying how wallpaper is also part of the workflow.

Check new post on MX Linux forum


This collection is directly related to window management as per the acronym WM. In this regard, a WM does much better than a Desktop which is more related to the applications and appearance. The core of FVWM is window management. It does well when dealing with a cluttered desk. In my case, this often happens when working with Gimp images and OpenShot video editing. And a file manager to “drag and drop” between the two.

This is the last part of the myExt to switch the configs without using an external script. Also, no restart is required.

The ExtSwitch config uses “KillModule” and “Read” to do the job. At present it has 5 buttons that can be extended to any number. Each button changes a set of module configs and one button changes the decoration. Later, the idea is to have a set for a particular work environment (office, multimedia, etc.)

  1. myRightPanel + ControlBPanel (with pager)
  2. VerticalPager + TaskPanel + ControlButtons
  3. TaskPanel and ControlButtons
    4 . DiaryDecoration
  4. Reset

For this to work, some of the configs were re-written which makes the whole system stable and easier to add new extensions.

Check the screenshot of each button.

Sample of “RPanel” config…

## 7Modules: ExtSwitch/RPanel.sys
## Close VerticalPager, TaskPanelCurve, and ControlButtons.
## Load ControlBPanel and myRightButtons.

## Close VerticalPager and TaskPanelCurve.
KillModule FvwmPager VPager
KillModule FvwmButtons ClockPanel
KillModule FvwmButtons TPanelButtons
KillModule FvwmButtons CPanelButtons

## Load ControlPanel and myRightButtons
Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/7Modules/myRightButtons.sys
Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/7Modules/controlPanelBPg.sys

## Change simpleButtons geometry
KillModule FvwmButtons SimpleButtons
Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/7Modules/simpleButton.sys
*SimpleButtons: Geometry 500x50+720+0

I was searching for one small calendar to add in FvwmScript-DateTime. From different sources (this forum and others), I compiled into one nice TimeDayButton. The difficult part was to find config for the calendar’s positioning… to appear in a fixed place.


## Time, Date, and Calendar
Module FvwmButtons TimeDayButton

DestroyModuleConfig TimeDayButton:*
*TimeDayButton: Geometry 120x80-0-50
*TimeDayButton: Colorset 10
*TimeDayButton: Columns 120
*TimeDayButton: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"
*TimeDayButton: (25x20,  Frame 0)
*TimeDayButton: (25x20,  Frame 0)
*TimeDayButton: (120x30, Title Calendar, Action(Mouse 1) "Exec exec $[FVWM_USERDIR]/scripts/Calendar.sh", Font "xft:Sans:size=10:antialias=True", Frame 0)
*TimeDayButton: (120x45, Swallow DateTime 'Module FvwmScript', Frame 0)
*TimeDayButton: (120x25, Frame 0)

Style TimeDayButton !Borders, !Title, WindowListSkip, Sticky
Style yad* NoTitle ## no titel bar

## Yad position
AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-MoveWindow

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent-MoveWindow: *
*FvwmEvent-MoveWindow: Cmd Function
*FvwmEvent-MoveWindow: add_window MoveYad

DestroyFunc MoveYad
AddToFunc   MoveYad
+ I ThisWindow ("yad") Move -2 -20

Bash script

# /scripts/calendar.sh

CAL_GET=`yad --calendar --text "" --list --button=Close:0 --title "My Calendar"`
case $? in
		exit ;;

I have uploaded the latest myExt config package 1.9.8 on Box-Look. An improvement on the virtual management config (vPager4pg.sys) and the config structure in general. Link to box-look.org FVWM myExtensions

The wallpaper image is inspired by the latest MX Linux 21 update “Wildflowers”. It matches well with myExt configs. :}

I created on SourceForge one new project to store respins of different distros with the FVWM3 MyExt config collection. Starting with MX Linux 21.

Got motivated by the improved virtual desk config with the sliding mouse scroll. Instead of a separate desk 2x2, it is now part of the main desk 2x4 with a button click (VM Desk). Also, the wallpaper and grid make it look a real move from one page to another. Hopefully, the different distros will give the feedback wanting to hear. For the myExt version 2.0.

Virtual Desk:

Arch Linux FVWM3 myExt live and install CD.


This video is dedicated to the “Getting Things Done”-oriented FVWM config (February 2006) aimed for "stress-free productivity".

Shows the new improvement of the Virtual Window Management in the FVWM3 myExt config collection ver. 2.2 (soft music after 2 min). Click here.


Hi rasat, I have created a little screen-cast about moving and hiding the apps bar or left panel.
It’s the one from this post FVWM3 Arch Linux myExt respin CD (Page 2) / Community Contributions / Arch Linux Forums
I’m not the best script writer as you know :innocent: but this gives an impression of what it’s doing…
The YT link: fvwm myExt bar - YouTube

Great, I like the “BM” (button management).
The default myExt configs will be manual. But for NsCDE and other Fvwm script-based variants, managed by scripts. This could be the other newness for myExt 3.x besides the new “user-oriented” folder system. A nice combination also for users who want immediately focus on their work instead of manual customization.

Don’t mind as long as the scripts work. Later we can ask Trilby to look nice. :slight_smile: It is the ideas / designs that matter now.

Has been silent for a while when things work fine.

Two new extensions have been included: “Wifi & Sound Tray” and ceeslan’s yad “Exit Menu” that was posted on MX Linux forum.

If you have Fvwm3 myExt installed, run the Ext Installer and upgrade to version 3.2.5 (left-click, System, Ext-Install) or check at Git Hub:

I added all the main extensions (configs) in the Fvwm Extensions wiki. There are currently 45 configs. If anyone is interested to build their own, they are nice examples to have a look at. Many of them were modified from different configs located all over the internet, a time-consuming search. I hope this will help.

Fvwm Extensions (configs archive):

This is the new base for version 3.4.


Hello, can I copy myExt configs to Fvwm Kise?

I have to update the Colorset numbers as well as match with Kise.

I have updated…
Fvwm Kise - version 1.8.0 (Colorset improvement, XDG menu, bug fix, and compatibility with Fvwm myExt).
Fvwm myExt - version 3.6.0 (Major Colorset improvement, bug fix, and compatibility with Fvwm Kise).

Before I update the zip files on the websites, take a look at how they work… RasatPC GitHub.

Thanks for fixing startup slowness and flicker. Also myExt got uplifted.

I copied a few scripts from myExt to Kise. Works fine but the different directory structure complicates it. Add a how-to instruction in each myExt script readme.txt. Example in Work Virtual Pager readme-wpg.txt.


Add this line below “Modules”.
Read $[EXTRA_DIR]/MODULES/WorkVpager/wVPager.sys #613

#Fvwm Kise

Copy .fvwm/extraEXT/MODULES/WorkVpager to .fvwm/user and add this line in .fvwm/userExt.sys in MODULES section.
Read $[USER_DIR]/WorkVpager/wVPager.sys

Edit or remove SetEnv CORE_DIR and EXTRA_DIR variables.

Thanks. Fvwm myExt is updated and improved (v. 3.6.5). I removed HDesk and replaced it with the old VM Desk with HDesk page grid. The mini pager in VM Desk is helpful when working on a full-scale 2x2 virtual desk.

Fvwm Kise updated with a minor Colorset fix (v. 1.8.1).
If everything is ok, on Monday or Tuesday the websites will be updated.