I am in first hand not asking here how to do what i want, but it could be nice to get some different views about which could be the best solution.
My question is quite simple, but i having a hard time put this right in proper english, so there is a chance that i got misunderstood here-and my fear for that probably make my question more lengthy than it otherwise would be.
My goal is to add a “linux-terminal” style to my fvwm-setup.
I want to have 6 logins by using the xterm or another good terminal emulator.
I am going to switch between them with the alt-F1 to alt-F6 keys, but i am not going to get down into any real linux-terminal with, for example ctrl-alt-F6 - and i want them to get up in full screen without any borders, and i don’t want to see any icons or windows belonging to them when not using them.
I am planning to use different screen-session thats automatically is started up in each of them.
As i can see there is a few ways to accomplish this.
Alternative 1 could be to get an xterm on a desktop thats not seen in my fvwm-pager (for the moment i have 9 desktops in the pager)), so maybe i i should get them up in fixed pages on at page 1 to 6 on the desk number 10 and let the alt-Fx keys switch between each page on that desk.
Alternative 2 could be that i only use one xterm and using the alt-Fx keys to performe fvwm to call screen for attach/deattach between screen sessions, and in that case i should use the setting be that when i am not in any of them - the screen session will be deatached and the xterm is closed.
I also have been thinking about the alternative to switch between screen-sessions in xterm and somehow attach/deattach different screen-sessions within the xterm (that maybe could be accomplished by spawning sub-sessions of screen inside screen itself and bind the alt-Fx keys to switch between these sub-sessions.?) . But this solution, whatever is possible or not - is not what i want in first case because i want the whole setup to be bind to Fvwm for portability issues.
Any ideas which solution should be the best - ideas about other alternatives.?
And again - i am sorry for this posting being so lengthy