Mimic multiple linux terminals.

I am in first hand not asking here how to do what i want, but it could be nice to get some different views about which could be the best solution.

My question is quite simple, but i having a hard time put this right in proper english, so there is a chance that i got misunderstood here-and my fear for that probably make my question more lengthy than it otherwise would be.

My goal is to add a “linux-terminal” style to my fvwm-setup.
I want to have 6 logins by using the xterm or another good terminal emulator.
I am going to switch between them with the alt-F1 to alt-F6 keys, but i am not going to get down into any real linux-terminal with, for example ctrl-alt-F6 - and i want them to get up in full screen without any borders, and i don’t want to see any icons or windows belonging to them when not using them.
I am planning to use different screen-session thats automatically is started up in each of them.

As i can see there is a few ways to accomplish this.

Alternative 1 could be to get an xterm on a desktop thats not seen in my fvwm-pager (for the moment i have 9 desktops in the pager)), so maybe i i should get them up in fixed pages on at page 1 to 6 on the desk number 10 and let the alt-Fx keys switch between each page on that desk.

Alternative 2 could be that i only use one xterm and using the alt-Fx keys to performe fvwm to call screen for attach/deattach between screen sessions, and in that case i should use the setting be that when i am not in any of them - the screen session will be deatached and the xterm is closed.

I also have been thinking about the alternative to switch between screen-sessions in xterm and somehow attach/deattach different screen-sessions within the xterm (that maybe could be accomplished by spawning sub-sessions of screen inside screen itself and bind the alt-Fx keys to switch between these sub-sessions.?) . But this solution, whatever is possible or not - is not what i want in first case because i want the whole setup to be bind to Fvwm for portability issues.

Any ideas which solution should be the best - ideas about other alternatives.?

And again - i am sorry for this posting being so lengthy

Well, the first part is easy:

Style whatever HintOverride, !Title, !Borders, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0

Then set them to be maximized when they’re started:

DestroyModuleConfig FE-sw:*
*FE-sw: add_window SomeFunc

DestroyFunc SomeFunc
AddToFunc   SomeFunc
+ I ThisWindow ("name1|name2|name3|name4|etc", !Maximized, Maximizable) Maximize

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent FE-sw

As for when you’re “not using them”, you’ll need to explain the circumstances for that.

– Thomas Adam

I will test the code, thanks.

I mean - when i do something else than being in any of my pseudo-terminals, then i want them to be completely hidden, as if i had pressed ctrl-alt-F5 (for example), to be in the terminal-mode - and then alt-F7 to go back to X (yes - Fvwm, :slight_smile: )

I want to keep the feeling but replace the linux-terminals with xterm/xterms.
The reason to doing so is that some programs (vim,emacs) which i prefer to run in terminal-mode, have some ‘features’ that can’t be used in the real linux.terminal, for example - afaik, mappings to the shit-key and for faster speed when i switch back and forth to X.

To get the feeling as close as possible i will use alt-F7 to switch back to the program i was using before i was going in ‘pseudo-terninal’-mode.

I think i will call them pseudo-terminals from now on - if thats not completely erroneous.



Should be - completely hidden or closed - depending on what is the most efficient way doing it, but i want all to be ‘restored’ when i press alt-Fx again, exactly as if i was switching back and forth between X and linux-terminals.

Thomas - maybe i didn’t i understand what you was asking me about.? :-/


So have it iconified with no icon, and set WindowListSkip, or perhaps shade the window?

– Thomas Adam

Now i have this in my config …just as a simple test for later improvement.
pTTY here is just my naming for pseudoTTY, yes i know that it’s not complete right to name it so .- but i will stick to that until i got a better name.

Key F1 A M Func_xterm-pTTY 1 screen-config_FVWM Key F2 A M Func_xterm-pTTY 2 screen-config_EMACS Key F3 A M Func_xterm-pTTY 3 screen-config_VIM
Where screen-xxx is a script which start/(re)attach a session of screen with a few programs running.

DestroyFunc Func_xterm-pTTY
AddToFunc Func_xterm-pTTY

  • I Func_deattach-screen_n_close " this function doesn’t exist yet
  • I Style “xterm-pTTY_*” !Title, !Borders, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0
  • I Exec exec xterm -name xterm-pTTY_$0 -geometry 170x59+0+0 -e $1
    " (ik, i should let fvwm set the size, i do it later)[/code]

I want any call to Func_xterm-pTTY to deattach the session of screen running within any of the xtems that earlier was opened within that function.
Is it possible.?

Alternately i could open a separate xterm for each of them and then reassign the key (via piperead .?) to send me to that desk and page where i have placeed the xterm…? But then again - is it possible to deattach screen and close xtermt, is there a ‘automatic’ way to go.?

Also - i want the xterm(s) opened from that function to deattach any session of screen and be completely closed when i press alt-F7. (which should let me jump back to the deska and page i was on before i did a call to Func_xterm-pTTY.

Is it possible.?
Is there a simpler/better/more clever way.?


This doesn’t need to be in a function – just place it with the rest of your Styles.

Assuming you use FvwmCommandS in your StartFunction then you can do something like:

screen -RDS foo foo && FvwmCommand 'SomeCommandOrFunction'

– Thomas Adam

Ahh -yes ty.

Ok - i invoke it, on top of my .fvwm2rc

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmCommands

I have spent quite some time to understand where fwmcommands come in place, and if i don’t missunderstood you - then you suggest me to open screen in xterm - and appropriately do a call to fvwmcommands from that shell which willl execute when screen is detached or closed .?
I am quite unsure how to use the &&, and i don’t understand what i could put into fvwmcommand.

I have googled for fvwmcommand|fvwmcommands … and what i have find doen not make it much easier to me to understand.

I have made the decision that i want each pTTY to be closed when spawning a new one.
This is what i have performed so far…

Key F6 A M Func_xterm-pTTY 6 std_FVWM
Key F5 A M Func_xterm-pTTY 5 std_EMACS
Key F4 A M Func_xterm-pTTY 4 std_VIM

DestroyFunc Func_xterm-pTTY
AddToFunc Func_xterm-pTTY

  • I Exec exec xterm -e screen-detach-std
  • I Exec exec xterm -name xterm-pTTY_$0 -geometry 170x59+0+0 -e screen-$1[/code]The script screen-detach-std simply checks if any of my screen-std_XXX sessions is attached, if so . then it detach it.

This works pretty well - if i press altl-F4 i jump into the screen session std_VIM, and if i press alt-F6 i detach the current screen session and jump into std_FVWM.

However, i can’t manage to get them all detached so i return to whats “behind” the xterm…
I have tried the following…

Key F7 A M Func_Detach-std

DestroyFunc Func_Detach-std
AddToFunc Func_Detach-std

  • I Exec exec xterm -e screen-detach-std
    [/code]…Which doesn’t work.
    But it works if i jump into term and run the script from there. And it work when i run it as the first line in Func_xterm-pTTY

Also i think that the use xerm,to run the script is overkill…?

Here is the important parts of my scripts…


if screen -ls | grep std_FVWM | grep Attached

echo Attatched, Detaching

echo and then Attach again

sleep 5

    screen -d -S std_FVWM
    screen -r -S std_FVWM

#Strange enough i cant get screeen -DR to work as expected when running from thsi script.
elif screen -ls | grep FVWM | grep Detached

echo Detached - Reattaching

sleep 5

    screen -r -S std_FVWM


echo No Screen Session - Creating std_FVWM

sleep 5

    cd ~/.fvwm
    screen -d  -m  -S std_FVWM

    screen -X -S  std_FVWM screen -t emacs-fvwm2rc 1
    screen -X -S  std_FVWM -p 1 stuff "emacs -nw ./.fvwm2rc

->.some other stuff snipped out<-
screen -x std_FVWM -p 3

if screen -ls | grep Attached | grep std_FVWM
then screen -d -S std_FVWM
if screen -ls | grep Attached | grep std_VIM
then screen -d -S std_VIM
if screen -ls | grep Attached | grep std_EMACS
then screen -d -S std_EMACS

It could be more effective,using strings and so on - well, later on.[/code]


No – I said “FvwmCommandS” and meant it – it’s case sensitive, so unless what you have written there is a typo, nothing from FvwmCommand will work, as the “FvwmCommandS” function sets up a FIFO which the command FvwmCommand sends its data down back to FVWM.

Yes, that’s right. “FvwmCommand” is nothing more than a way to send FVWM-specific commands from external programs which aren’t FVWM-related – so specifically from shell scripts, etc. In your case, you want a way to tell FVWM to issue a command (whatever that might be – I’ve forgotten but I am sure you can remember now) when screen is detached. The snippet of code I gave you ensures that.

It’s easy. The line such as:

Exec exec xterm -T SomeName -e screen -RDS somename someinitialcommand && FvwmCommand 'Next (SomeName) Iconify

(I’m assuming the above is issued in FVWM – perhaps as part of a menu entry or a keybinding) means that xterm is started with a title of SomeName and immediately is told to execute screen. Assuming that was successful (which is what “&&” means in bash), then the FvwmCommand runs, telling FVWM to iconify the window SomeName. This works, because detaching the sceen process returns true.

See above.

Err, why such a complicated (and I am afraid to say broken) script, when:

screen -RDS somesessionname

– Thomas Adam

Yes it was a typo - in my .fvwm2rc, ty.

Thanyou for the snippet - but it was not really what i was asking for in first place.
Quoting myself here.

What i meant, and please before flame, remember that i am not very good expressing myself in english - i want all instance of screen which begins std_ to be closed, so i only have the newest session of std_ running at the same time.
To perform this i created the script screen-detach-std

What i need is to attach to a named scren-session if it’s running.
If it’s not running- create my desired session with some default apps and names to the windows.
For that i need screen to start in detached mode (screen -d -m)
So i need at least one if else, statement.
I heve shortened the if-stetement.

[code]if screen -ls | grep std_FVWM
screen -D -R -S std_FVWM #attaching session
cd ~/.fvwm
#creating session in detached mode
screen -d -m -S std_FVWM
#creating and naming window 1 in screen
screen -X -S std_FVWM screen -t emacs-fvwm2rc 1
#telling screen to perform command.when attached
#the linefeed makes the string sent to command-line in screen to be performed as a command
screen -X -S std_FVWM -p 1 stuff "emacs -nw ./.fvwm2rc
… some other commands

   screen -R  std_FVWM -p 3

where is it broken.?
Could i realy do it shorter - less complicated.?

My problem for now is - why is the call to screen-detach-std lost when i run it from a function in fvwm, but not when it is on the first line of another function.?

If i solve that- then i can get back to the running x-app if i press alt-F7.


No – you really do want:

screen -RDS somename -c some_screen_config_file

Now, guess what this does. This will create or attach where necessary the desired screen sessions, using a named config file. If you happen to invoke it as:

Exec exec xterm -T foo -e screen -RDS ....

Then binding that to the commands which launch these ““VTs”” of yours have the added advantage of opening and/or closing where necessary – this includes power detaching of the screen session.

– Thomas Adam

Yes - thats [size=125]exactly[/size] what i want, [size=125]If[/size] there is a way exit the program in the named window and return to bash instead of get the window closed when the program is closed.

Thats possibly - AFAIK only if you invoke screen from command line or from shellscript… But i can be wrong there.

If its not possible, then i still want to use my scripts - and learn to know how, if possible, to track the error i mentioned before.


I love how, as more of these problems are solved, your requirements and reasons for needing these things change with them – it’s a bit like a crossword – I have vague clues, but nothing concrete.

You can fudge the effect in your screenrc file:

screen -t somecoolapp zsh -c 'zsh -c mycoolapp && zsh'

Certainly not ideal, but it will work. Note that “zsh” is the shell I would use, you probably want “sh” there.

You are wrong. See above.

But your scripts suck – the functionality you want is already in screen.

– Thomas Adam

Sorry for late response, i have been forced (by work) to use looseXP for a while :frowning:
But now i am back in Linux again, and my dear fvwm :slight_smile:

first try

screen -t 'emacs -nw'  bash  -c 'bash -c emacs -nw && bash'

Which results in a screen session starting two instances of emacs within X (ignoring the -nw switch).

this is how my screenlist looks

Num Name Flags

0 emacs -nw $
1 emacs -nw $

here i test three windows.

screen -t jed 1 bash -c 'bash -c jed && bash' screen -t vim 2 bash -c 'bash -c vim && bash' screen -t nano 3 bash -c 'bash -c nano && bash'

which gives the following screenlist

Num Name Flags

1 jed $
2 vim $
3 nano $
4 jed $
5 vim $
6 nano $


My last problem was that i had double instances of each program running.

I did the mistake to source my $HOME/.screenrc twice - therefore the double instances of each program.

Thank you for your all help Tomas Adam, i think now i am ready to set up my config of pTTY’s.


Most people get around this, by having their actual screen instances in ~/.screenrc (i,.e., those programs which start up automatically) in a separate file.

My name, by the way, has a “h” in it, even though it’s silent.

– Thomas Adam


Actually I think that it should be the same problem anyway, because i did the (newbie) error to put source $HOME~/.screenrc in the global /etc/screenrc file.

I know. It was a typo from my side, sorry.


Ahh -now i get your point, if i called the local specially-named screenrc-file from when inwoking screen, then i shouldn’t get that error - yes thats so right.

Becouse my use of screen has stalled for a while until i get this things to work, then my thinking was that it should be simpler to use only one simple ~/.screenrc configured for these testin0g-purposes ,

Anyway- i suppose it was good that i did it that way this time -otherwise i shouldn’t have seen the error that i invoked my ~/.screenrc file twice until i come into other - maybe less easy-solved problems.



– Thomas Adam

I still have one problem.
When i invoke screen (i still use my ~/.screenrc until i got it all to work) then i can’t get parameters to work.

ie screen -t vim-fvwm2rc 1 bash -c 'bash -c vim ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc && bash' starts vim , but does not fire up the file. And i know for sure that i got the file in that location- it fires up when i just type vim ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc on the commandline.

i have tested to set quotes and double-quotes around vim ~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc , without any result.
