Noob questions

Thanks for your job. Fvwm its very intresing thing. Main site and forum here looks very clear and friendly like as Fvwm) I feeling good philosofy and spirit here.
Ok. Some questions about post installation.

  1. how make tool/button with flag keyboard country and volume control similar to system try in xfce is it possible here?

  2. how manage monitor settings, first, second display, how set here clocks(hz) of monitor?

  3. why needed "stalonetray " and “goff” depencies for buld fvwm3 What they do?

Stalonetray is similar to system tray in Xfce. Adds launch icons in the tray. For example, I have battery/screen brightness, volume control, and wifi. Depends on the apps you are using.


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Thanks, and how it work in NsCDE? Were is stalonetray options?


Stalonetray: you don’t have to do anything with it. If you have applications that use tray icon, it will automatically dock in it (for example VLC, Pidgin, pnmixer, firewall-applet …).

I have NsCDE on my test computer. Also wondering where is Stalonetray. To find it, I run nm-applet in the terminal for wifi. It’s in the right bottom corner.


For the options, check .config/autostart for *.desktop files. In Fvwm Kise, there is one function loaded at startup:

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Test (Init) Exec nm-applet # (wifi)
+ I Test (Init) Exec xfce4-power-manager # (screen & battery)
+ I Test (Init) Exec volumeicon # (sound)
+ I Test (Init) Exec /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & # (policykit authenticator)
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For the options, check .config/autostart for *.desktop files. In Fvwm Kise, there is one function loaded at startup:

sorry but,
its totally muddle,
what exactly i am must change file?
its 100500 variants in manual i am do not understand,
were is can take sample config and were i must copy to?

apply only nm-applet, why?
how call keyboard switcher and volumecontrol?

copy config to ~/.fvwm
but seems stalonetray not autostarts, why?

NsCDE doesn’t use ~/.fvwm but ~/.NsCDE. From your screenshot, stalonetray is already running and one app icon is there.


I took a closer look at NsCDE, and all options and configurations for [Home] are in ~/.NsCDE/NsCDE.conf. In this file add the applications that use tray icon, with the command Exec. For example,

Exec nm-applet
Exec xfce4-power-manager

Or paste the InitFunction that I posted earlier by adding more apps. First, test in terminal (without Exec) that the application is installed.

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Hi) Thanks a lot for your help and attention to my questions :slightly_smiling_face:
Have some progress
for volume icon i must be install - volumeicon-alsa
for keyboard layouts i install - gxkb
now its look better

PS Devuan XFCE here

same at fvwm3
make “copy config” from LMB on fvwm3 desktop and change ~/.fvwm/config

“we need go deeper”(c)
next question
i have 2 connected monitors
how make fvwm3 display only at one monitor?
where i can give startup options for fvwm? i.e. exec fvwm3 -s 0
i am use Slim DM and /usr/share/xsessions/fvwm3.desktop

Thanks, this app I have been looking for. :sparkles: Never got time to search.

I have no experience in this area. The good part, Fvwm3 is designed for multiple monitors. I hope @somiaj or @thomasadam can answer this question.

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Hello, I don’t know about monitor configs. Can I ask what is the plan with two monitors? Maybe I should also get. :window: I really like the virtual pager in Fvwm.

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For #1: You can set keybindings for this tasks, for instance for volume you could add to your config something like:

Key XF86AudioLowerVolume A N Exec exec sh -c "pactl set-sink-mute 0 false ; pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5%"
Key XF86AudioRaiseVolume A N Exec exec sh -c "pactl set-sink-mute 0 false ; pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5%"
Key XF86AudioMute A N Exec exec pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle

In a similar fashion you could create one for switching keyboard layouts, however this approach wont give you any fancy notifications of any kind. If that is what you want you would need to use something like kmix or volumeicon. Same for switching keyboard layouts in a fancy way

For #2: You must this due xrandr or a graphical front end like arandr. Arandr can create a bash script for you with the desired config and you could tell fvwm to run that script when it starts. With randr you can even turn on and off monitors as you see fit.

For #3: stalonetray is not a dependency, neither is goff. Fvwm can function just fine without this 3rd party applications. Stalonetray is suggested and is used in fvwm3 default config but if you do not install it it will work just fine.
Stalonetray is a system tray. Goff no idea what it is.

For how do you configure stalonetray please take a look at their documentation. Usually is a .stalonetrayrc file located in your home directory. If it is not there then it is using the defaults provided by the developer.

Related to NsCDE: It uses its own configuration for stalonetray. Check .stalonetrayrc, NsCDE config tools and manual for more information.

Please ignore @amlug he has no idea of what he is talking about.

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I am new on this forum but not on other similar one. Why discredit stalonetray and other members on this forum. :rage: If you read what are said, @amlug replied on the 1st question of @12sunflowers and thats all. Not the 3rd about dependencies.

  1. how make tool/button with flag keyboard country and volume control similar to system try in xfce is it possible here?

The replies were practical and good. Got “like this post” for each one.

@lgsobalvarro , you wrote: Fvwm can function just fine without this 3rd party applications. Please, tell how do you add the flag and other icon apps in the button in right bottom corner without a tray???

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Where am I discrediting stalonetray, exactly? What I am saying is stalonetray is an independent project and has nothing to do with FVWM. You do not need it in order to run or build FVWM.

The original questions are clear. Then… Why provide unhelpful information that has nothing to do what what is being asked and only adds to the confusion?
How helpful is to explain what is stalonetray when what is being asked is how to manage keyboard layouts and control the volume in a similar fashion as xfce does?
Why tell him to go look at .config/autostart and check for *.desktop files? FVWM is not even aware .config exists. And why then go and tell him that in KISE there is one function loaded at startup, when the original poster does not mention KISE at any time? How is this of help? How did his posts answered the original questions?

And to answer your question: Of course you need a tray for applications that runs on a tray. This does not mean that is absolutely necessary to have a tray in order to use FVWM. In fact, of late, desktops and window managers with desktop-like features have been abandoning the whole tray-apps concept in favor of built-in widgets that provides the same functionality.

Have a look at ‘DesktopConfiguration per-monitor’

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Thanks to @All All reply is helpful. Lets be friendly folks)

Solve one monitor output here

+ I Test (Init) Exec xrandr -s 1920x1080


# Function to set background when fvwm starts
DestroyFunc InitBackground
AddToFunc InitBackground
+ I Test (Init) Exec xrandr -s 1920x1080
+ I Test (f $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault) \
    Exec exec fvwm3-root $[FVWM_USERDIR]/.BGdefault
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Exec exec fvwm3-root \
#+ I Test (Init) Exec xrandr --output DVI-I-2 --set TearFree on --secondary
+ I Test (Init) Exec nm-applet # (wifi)
#+ I Test (Init) Exec xfce4-power-manager # (screen & battery)
+ I Test (Init) Exec  amixer -c 0 set Master 15%
+ I Test (Init) Exec volumeicon # (sound)
+ I Test (Init) Exec /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & # (policykit authenticator)
#+ I Test (Init) Exec pavucontrol # (sound)
+ I Test (Init) Exec gxkb
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Thanks. At now its available keyboard layout, volume, net, via fvwm3 built-in widgets?